Friday, August 26, 2016

Are office buildings going to the "dogs?"

You've probably seen articles touting progressive pet friendly company policies that allow, even encourage employees to bring fido to the office.  When I read those articles, I can't help but wonder whether the company checked with their landlord to see if it was OK with the landlord to have the employees bring their dogs to work.  I may be reaching here, but I doubt fido is being welcomed with open arms by the owner of just about any building.

Why, you may say, wouldn't it be OK to have man's best friend around at work?  Our four legged friends help us relax, the studies say, our blood pressure is lower with them around, etc etc.

All I can say is:  there is a reason why apartments charge pet deposits and even higher rent for those residents who have pets.  Carpets get ruined, waste has to be picked up, dog bites happen, not to mention the insurance, allergies and other issues relevant to companies who would bring their dogs into common areas shared by other tenants.    

So far it hasn't really been an issue for us, aside from one "therapy" dog in one of our properties, most of our tenants leave fido at home.  I'm glad, and I'm also hoping our buildings don't have to go to the dogs to keep our tenants happy.  I have a feeling that may make me old fashioned.  Oh dear.

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